Sunday, May 20, 2007

Super Rub A Dub

I downloaded the Super Rub A Dub demo as soon as it was available, and I liked it. But I wasn't sure I wanted the full version or not. Well, after having about five people try the demo and like it, I decided I'd rather everyone could do more than just the five levels of the demo. So I got the full version. Good fun! It's cute, the controls are nice, and the internet ranking gives it some teeth. For $9 CAD, it's well worth it.

IGN's review of SRaD was WAY off the mark. IGN says it has the worst SIXAXIS support of any game they've seen? What about that baseball game where you move the controller to bat? That one's terrible, in my opinion; it's a completely gratuitous use of the motion-sensing. I like its controls better than Monkey Ball's, as you tilt the whole level around a point that is stationary, instead of just directing the character's acceleration as you do in MB. The motion-sensing feature feels very natural, and the varying sensitivity on the jumps is well-done.

Any review of this game needs to keep its price in mind, as it is clearly not a large game. But I'm pretty sure I'll get more fun from my $9 with Rub A Dub than I would for $70 with MotorStorm.

My only complaint about the game is that I'd like it to save a replay of all my best times.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.