Monday, September 15, 2008

EVE-Online: The Covetor BPO, Part 1

BM2 has almost enough money to buy the holy grail of mining-ship BPOs, the Covetor BPO.

First, an explanation. A BPO is a Blueprint Original. These represent the information you need to build ships. These are one of the few items generated in EVE by the NPC market. Hence, the one we're after has a fixed price at the NPC station it's sold from. In most cases, BPOs are sold in a variety of places, and usually in high-sec (where non-consensual PvP is punished by the police). As such, normally you find a nearby station that sells the BPO you want, and you go get it.

Another power associated with owning a BPO is the ability to do "invention." This takes a BPC (Blueprint Copy), some other materials, and attempts to create a Tech II variant BPC of the item the BPO is for. BPCs are just like BPOs, except they can only make a set number of their item, then they disappear. In our case, we'd want to make Hulk BPCs; Hulks are the best mining ships in the game, hence Hulk BPCs are sought-after items. Since this is the only way to make Hulks (unless you own a fabled Hulk BPO from before the introduction of invention), the Covetor BPO is a crucial element in the world of EVE.

Here's the ugly bit: You can only get the Covetor BPO from a small NPC mining firm (ORE, Outer Ring Excavations) which is about 15 jumps into null-sec (where there are no rules about PvP), and it costs 2 billion ISK. My corporation's assets total about 4 billion, so this is going to be a huge investment. The dilemma I face is because of this (click to enlarge):

This is the entire map of EVE, with each dot being a solar system. I have the colors representing players killed in the last 24 hours. You can see that about 5 or 6 spots stick out; the one nearest the bottom is on the path from our HQ to ORE. That system (PF-346) is the 0.0 entry point from high-sec. These gateway systems are heavily camped to make access to 0.0 more difficult. PF-346 is a particularly notorious one, which is probably because there is no buffer zone of low-sec between it and high-sec.

The risk then is that I'd pay roughly have my corp's assets for this BPO, then get destroyed while on my way back to high-sec. The risk is great enough that Covetor BPOs sold by players on the high-sec market usually go for 2.5 billion ISK, which is rather large mark-up.

So I have to decide among three options:

  1. Sneak out to ORE myself in a Covert Ops ship (which can cloak still travel at normal speed) and try to sneak the BPO back.
  2. Pay a friend to sneak out in a Covert Ops ship and bring it back.
  3. Pay the market premium for delivery to high-sec.

  • Option 1 is dangerous since I'm not practiced in 0.0 PvP. I'd stand a decent chance of getting caught.
  • Option 2 is better, but it's still risky, and my friends may not want to take responsibility for half my corp's assets.
  • Option 3 is safest, but increases the cost of the BPO by 25%.

I'll post again once I have this whole issue figured out.


Blogger Ian said...

%25 is a lot.

%0 risk, is priceless.

3:31 PM EDT  
Blogger Ian said...

Oh, and EVE is a nightmare.

3:33 PM EDT  
Blogger Diemar said...

You can access that region of null sec though unknown space.

I've had several exits to that region without realizing that its here you get these BPOs.

So, you can circumvent the mega-gank-gatecamp by staying a certain amout of time deep in unknown space waiting for the right null sec exit to spawn.

Still, you have to bring buddys to scout the station for you, you dont want to exit the station not able to cloak before after you warp.

7:29 AM EDT  
Blogger Almo said...

True, Diemar. Well, it's true now. Wormholes didn't exist when I wrote this. :)

7:41 AM EDT  

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